Service Users’ Expectations

1.  No alcohol or drugs to be used in the centre. 

2.  The centre is a NO SMOKING area.

3.  No mobile phones or tape recorders to be used during contact.

4.  Whilst it is understood that service users are often involved in conflict, aggression by anyone towards anyone at the centre will result in expulsion and permanent exclusion from the centre.

5.  Racism, Sexism or other offensive remarks or behaviour are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

6.  Generally attendance is limited to people named in the agreement (and court order where applicable).

7.  No child should be left without a parent or an agreed person in attendance.  The responsibility for the safety and supervision of the children while in the centre remains with the parent/person in attendance, Parent/person in attendance are asked to respect our premises.

8.  No child/ren to be removed from the centre without the written consent of the resident parent/person.

9.   Children or infants requiring assistance with toileting and nappy changing will be assisted by the person bringing the child/infant to the centre or by the contact person.

10.A contact telephone number must be provided before leaving child/ren with the contact person.

11.Prospective service users can see the venue prior to commencement of contact by arrangement with the Coordinator.


Please agree to observe the above rules by downloading the following document, printing and signing it
Download agreement (MS Word doc 31Kb)

Further Information

Judicial Protocol for Referrals of Families to Supported Child Contact Centres (Adobe pdf* 69Kb)

Familiy Law Protocol (MS Word doc 30Kb)

*Download Adobe Reader